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A beautiful commercial-size uchigumori bench-size stone that displays patches of red renge and light-colored "catfish" namazu. Although this stone affects a wide variety of steel, it excels with bi-metal blades such as those from Japan comprising both hard steel and softer iron. Containing a very complex variety of minerals represented by the coloration of the stone, it is certainly silica dioxide and aluminum oxide grit-rich as demonstrated with Japanse kanna-hand plane & hardened knife bi-metal blades.


Uchigumori is a luxury stone and it is not a necessary type for sharpening mono-metal western blades such as knives, but it is important for the upkeep of historic Japanese bi-metal blades. We in the West here appreciate the character of Uchigumoir as it sets a standard in blade maintenance.


205mm x 74mm x 39mm thick

1373 grams

Mohs 3 hardness





#924 Nakayama Hazuya Uchigumori

Excluding Sales Tax
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