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#16 Mikawa Shiro Koma Nagura

This misshapen piece of koma would normally have been cut while in a raw larger form into smaller nagura pieces. As it stands, the thickness was sawn
and the top lapped so it now makes an excellent bench shaped stone. I am
tempted to trim the ends and make smaller pieces but I am going to restrain
myself although there would be plenty of real estate between those cut lines.
It is very pure white and not overly hard like some koma is.
There is a solid inclusion that is not toxic in any way and is bound with the
same mica that you see on the back side of what used to be the kawa skin.

Well below the pay grade because of the odd ends and the low riding top/left corner. Tons of good grit ready to be used.

This shiro white nagura makes an excellent middle stone, inserted between a bevel set and the final finishing stones, or it can serve as a giant nagura rubbing stone. It will remove metal from the hardest razors leaving a more polished surface.

I found that these base stone nagura are easier to use if you soak them for 1 to 2 minutes so the hydration becomes consistent. Splashing clear water as you go along will keep them cutting.

Becoming very scarce in this size, I do not know how long I can continue
to source them from my nagura miner who keeps telling me that these will be the last he will every see. He is old so I believe him.
These and all of my other bench size Mikawa nagura do not have Asano ink
stamps or any other attributions because I circumvented the stones before
Sakamoto-san the owner of the Asano stamps had a chance to make his a bid.

The stone (toishi) has been lapped perfectly flat and the corners and edges beveled unless otherwise noted.  All of my stones come with a money back guarantee minus the return shipping.



Hardness                    6+

Particle Size                9+++

Speed/Cutting            9

No.16 Mikawa Nagura Koma-grade

Excluding Sales Tax
  • 200-70-20

  • Every single stone I sell comes with a full money back guarantee minus the return shipping, I am happy to work with the professional crafts person as well as individual hobbyists.

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